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Sources of Blanks and Guns

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  Fight Designer Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:52 am

I thought it'd be useful to start a running list of where we get our blank firing guns blanks. I'll get it going, but please add to the list if you know more:

  • FightDesigner Amazon Portal - Okay, so you can get them on Amazon is my main point here, but if you do it through my portal I can get a 1% kickback to apply towards books, dvds, or props of my own... which I promise to review here!

  • Western Stage Props - Not always the cheapest, but very professional, good service. Lots of other fun toys over there too!

  • IAR-Arms - Decent mix of things. Get on their mailing list for monthly specials.

  • Kennedy International Enterprises -Pretty good selection of Umarex and other blank guns.

  • Maxsell - Good selection, and other fun gear as well. Ordered from them before with no problems, and I think they price-match as well.

  • Netlink Enterprises - Good selection and decent prices. Ordered a bunch of my guns from them when first starting props rentals. They also run a bunch of subsidiary sites:

    • 8mm Blank Guns .com

    • 9mm Blank Guns .com

    • Starter Pistol .com get the idea.

  • Manufacturing Research, Inc - Know nothing about them personally, but they've got some interesting offerings

  • Gun Broker - Ebay for gun stuff. Often has blank guns (and model guns), but not the best prices. Some people hand-load their own blanks and sell them here- purchase those at your own risk...

  • Ebay -Policies on blank firing guns seem to ebb and flow- after the VA Tech shooting they were all pulled for a while, but they seem to be back now. All are sold with orange barrel plugs, but those can be either removed or re-painted. As with any auction site, bid at your own risk.

What am I forgetting or missing, and who do you like best?
Fight Designer
Fight Designer

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  Rick Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:43 am

I've bought from Kennedy & I like them. They have a personal touch & have emailed me promptly to answer questions & offer updates, etc. I don't know much about Maxsell, except that they seem to have a number if Internet stores w/ different names - not sure what that means.
Now that full auto is becoming available at prices I can afford, I'm especially interested in which vendors carry these models, besides the two I've mentioned here.
(I am aware of Schoessler's, but they're super expensive.)

[1/15 edit - Waffen Schumacher apparently plans to release a full-auto MP44 9mm bfg/bfong in the States soon; there will also be a real .22 semiauto version. They have an ad in the latest Shotgun News with a few details] Very Happy They will be at the Vegas Shot Show soliciting vendors in the US to carry both models.

Last edited by on Fri Jan 25, 2008 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total


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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  pitfighter Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:53 pm

Keep us updated on the mp44, I'll buy one straight away.

Last edited by pitfighter on Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:20 am; edited 1 time in total

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  Rick Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:03 pm

Ditto on the price - I'm partial to the Sten Very Happy


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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  pitfighter Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:25 pm

If I was in the UK I'd be partial to that FG-42 BFG on Milweb, hmmm.

Last edited by pitfighter on Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty MP-44 BFONG...

Post  mp44353 Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:38 am

Naturaly, like everyone else in the world, I'm looking to purchase an MP-44 BFONG. I understand that the manufacturer will be attending The Vegas Shot Show in three days. Does anyone know if they will be there just showing off their product, or will they have a bunch of them there for people to purchase? Also, can someone reply back with the web address for the manufacturer of these BFONG's. Please advise.

An anxious future MP-44 owner.


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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  pitfighter Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:25 pm


Last edited by pitfighter on Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  Fight Designer Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:27 am

Nice. Shame the stunt guy can't keep his finger off the trigger while mugging with that MP40... Razz

You have a distributor lined up for this one?
Fight Designer
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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  pitfighter Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:54 am

Figured you'd notice that, Kevin.

Last edited by pitfighter on Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:20 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : New info.)

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty CV

Post  pitfighter Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:07 pm

I posted some pics in the gallery area from this latest movie.
Guns and actors.

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  Fight Designer Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:26 pm

Anybody have a good source for modern blank firing revolvers? The Kimar ones keep falling apart on me, so I'd like to steer clear of those... Bruni has been only somewhat better. I do have one of the Umarex Colt Chief's Specials, but what are the other options out there, and where can you get them in the US?
Fight Designer
Fight Designer

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  pitfighter Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:43 am

If you're using your props enough to break down the zinc/metal, have you thought about just buying Taurus/Harrington/Webley or any of the other cheap revolvers and going with real steel, you can find these for less than $200 easily, it's safer and more reliable if you're having replicas come apart on you.

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  Fight Designer Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:33 am

I have, but there are complications with that. First and foremost is that many of my rentals are live theatre gigs or film gigs where I'm not personally involved, just renting them props... and there's no way in hell I'm going to just rent someone a real firearm and let them do what they will with it for a couple months. Don't need that liability or legal troubles, thanks. affraid

I've run into situations on set where extras I've been asked to arm have felonies on record and thus aren't legally allowed to handle firearms, I think. (Know they can't buy, not sure about handling but would rather not have to deal with that anyway.)

Other complication being a wife who tolerates but isn't at all fond of firearms... so I haven't felt it's worth that battle just yet.

There are gigs I've worked as gun wrangler and/or stunt coordinator where I've used real firearms (revolvers and pump shotguns) but those are the occasional exception, not the rule, mostly just because of the nature of the 'industry' up here- and I use that term loosely.
Fight Designer
Fight Designer

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  pitfighter Wed Mar 19, 2008 12:36 pm

Valid points.


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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Felons and blank-firing LIVE weapons

Post  LarsRobert Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:40 am


Ya know...I saw that movie "U.S. Marshalls" with Tommy Lee Jones waaaay back...when Robert Downey, Jr. was still a FELON...I saw a LOT of scenes with him handling and firing a LIVE handgun that was set up for blanks.

Now, if you or I were felons and we got caught on the street in possession of a firearm...they couldn't get us to jail quick enough. BUT...when a million dollar plus per pic actor does it...."uh, well, uh...we're not aware of those regulations here on set" or probably something else to that effect.

Things that make you go hmmmmm. But then, it's always been different rules for different people when it comes to breaking the law...and getting away with it. Just look at city or county court judges pulled over for drinking and driving. What happened to their dockets? Hmmmmmm. Personally, I think they get driven home from the scene...but what do I know.

Sorry...had to chime in with my .02.

Kimbo Cool


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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Re: Sources of Blanks and Guns

Post  Fight Designer Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:21 pm

Oh, I'm sure a double standard exists some- there's enough ambiguity in the laws that subjectivity is bound to play a part. When trying to research some of the BATF laws a while back, I was finding cases where former convicts were being prosecuted for being in possession of things like a lamp that was made out of a welded solid former shotgun... just an inert lump of metal when he had it, but under BATF laws, once a firearm, always a firearm!
Fight Designer
Fight Designer

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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Schpessler's is closed

Post  Rick Fri Apr 23, 2010 6:54 pm

Schoessler's website is down & they are apparently closed, according to a number of bulletin boards. Crying or Very sad
They'll be missed

5/10 - I just read that NJ Sekela bought the rights to mfr the BFONGs...

Good news?


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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty Two more suppliers

Post  Rick Wed Jan 26, 2011 5:36 pm

Indianapolis Ordnance has an ad in the Jan. 20 Shotgun News for STEN MK3, STEN MK 2, and Suomi 31 full auto replicas -- all 9mm PAK. $1,600, $1,800, and 2,500, respectively.

Also, Keystone Arsenal Replicas is promising a Thompson --



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Sources of Blanks and Guns Empty New (Non)Gun Source

Post  Rick Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:07 pm

A couple of updates...
Indianapolis Ordnance
has a number of WWI blank firers that they manufacture and
Keystone Arsenal Replicas
is in negotiation to have a blank-firing Thompson produced in the next year.
I hope we'll see some more now that the front-venting ban has apparently been lifted.
Take care all


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